#OneSentenceSaturday is cool and all, but I’ve been wanting to share a bit more of my creative writing. So…I’ve decided to start posting excerpts! I’ll post these writing excerpts at least once per week once per week and would love to hear your feedback, positive or negative, in the comments below (or via my contact page)!
If you follow me on social media – particularly Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook – you’ll know that I’ve been posting excerpts there for a couple weeks now. If you’re not following me on this accounts, you should! I’ll be posting more excerpts (and other content) there than I do on this website.
But for now, without further ado, (if you glossed over the image above…or want to see the full image…or just want to read it again. Whatever floats your boat.) I hope you enjoy the following excerpt from the first book in The Stone Chronicles series I’m working on. 😁

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I know your time and attention is finite, and so I truly value your spending it here with me. And I hope you do so again in the near future. 😉 Have a wonderful weekend.
— J.P.