31 Questions Surrounding Eden

If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, you’ll know that, since October 1st, I’ve been posting questions I had in writing the novella I’ve since turned into the album In Principio: Eden (The Audio Experience), now available on Spotify and all other streaming platforms just like it is in the 65-second track embedded at the end of this post. But in case you didn’t see those questions (or missed some, or want to revisit them, or are just bored and want something to read right now), I’ve compiled all 31 of them here.

So without further ado, here are 31 questions I’ve had surrounding Eden:

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The Spark and The Blaze

Today we’re going to switch it up a bit. I was a little bored last night, so, instead of writing a regular The Serious blog post, I decided to write a fable (which I wrote really quickly, so give me a little grace here). But I think you’ll still find that there’s a lesson.

So without further ado:

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