Week 8 – Take a Sabbath

No, this isn’t a religious post by any (well, at least most) measures. This is simply a plea to take a Sabbath, and by Sabbath I mean a day off. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Sunday, but you should strive to take off one day a week.

Why? Because

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Week 4 – Focus

This post will be short and to the point because I’m going to need to focus my attention elsewhere pretty soon. I’ve actually been looking at and trying to hone my focus the past few weeks, and I recommend that you (regardless of whether you’re a student or not) do the same.

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Don’t Wear Nike With Adidas

Some things in life just go well together. Children and a dog, burgers and fries, basketball and trash talk, and peanut butter and jelly (or so I’m told) are some of these things, just to name a few. Other things, however, should not go together under most any circumstance. A prime example? Wearing Nike with Adidas.

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