What If You Ran Towards Your Struggles?

I love proving people wrong. I love beating the odds and pushing past perceived limitations. Heck, I simply love winning. But more than that, I love overcoming. I’m sure you and most everyone else does too…or at least the concept of it.

Yet, quite frankly, most people don’t win. They don’t overcome. At least not to the degree that they want to. And from what I’ve seen, the reason for this is quite simple: people don’t run towards struggle. Instead, it seems like the majority of people procrastinate, if not altogether try to avoid things that would lead to a struggle in any shape or form.

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I’m Loading…

I’m loading. Have been for a while. In fact, I’ve been processing since this last spring semester, working my behind off in the background so that the image that eventually appears is as clear, crisp, and sharp as can be. Without getting into specifics, I’ve been learning a lot throughout it all; enough to know that it’s time for me to hit the refresh button.

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