Week 8 – Take a Sabbath

No, this isn’t a religious post by any (well, at least most) measures. This is simply a plea to take a Sabbath, and by Sabbath I mean a day off. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Sunday, but you should strive to take off one day a week.

Why? Because

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Week 6 – You Get Out What You Put In

“Well to be honest, where you go to school doesn’t really matter if you put in your best effort. In college, you get out what you put in.”

Last year was my senior year of high school. And as I explored my college options, this is the answer I’d receive from most every professor at Crown College (an excellent school where I truly discovered my passions and capabilities during my junior and senior years of high school) when I asked them about either staying or moving elsewhere to continue my education. At that point, I felt like I understood what they were trying to explain to me, and I took it to heart. But now, enrolled in The King’s College in New York City, I’m reminded of their words almost daily.

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Week 5 – Time Management

Though it often gets overlooked, there isn’t any way around it; time management is key. As you grow older and get more involved in various activities, there will always be something vying for your time. And if you aren’t able to manage your time well (or flat out say “no” to various activities/invitations), you’re going to run out of steam pretty fast.

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Week 4 – Focus

This post will be short and to the point because I’m going to need to focus my attention elsewhere pretty soon. I’ve actually been looking at and trying to hone my focus the past few weeks, and I recommend that you (regardless of whether you’re a student or not) do the same.

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Week 3 – The Best Years

Many people tell me college was the best four years of their life. And many high schoolers tell me that they just can’t wait for college; largely because they hear older people say it was the best time of their lives, and the Instagram feeds of their older friends often seem to back up this claim. Now I’m enjoying college, as are most of my peers, but having my college years be the best years of my life? I think that’s downright stupid.

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Week 2 – Survival

No, the picture of the both nutritious and delicious food is not taken from the internet somewhere. That’s a picture of what I made myself for dinner last night.

What? JP can cook? Heck yeah, I know how to cook…or at least survive (though you can call me Chef Jean Paul…but say it with a French accent…everything sounds better in French). Surviving is something I’ve learned to do both in and out of the kitchen. And it’s something that’s quickly come in handy my second week of college.

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