Just Start

If it weren’t for Nike, I probably would’ve titled this post “Just Do It.” But, you know, trademarks. Anyway, the reason for this is because Nike got it exactly right. Whatever it is you want to do in life – with regards to your health, academics, career, etc. – you just need to get up and do it. You just need to start.

If you feel like this is a simple concept, you’re absolutely right. In fact, it’s so simple that

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Don’t Wear Nike With Adidas

Some things in life just go well together. Children and a dog, burgers and fries, basketball and trash talk, and peanut butter and jelly (or so I’m told) are some of these things, just to name a few. Other things, however, should not go together under most any circumstance. A prime example? Wearing Nike with Adidas.

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