I’m Choosing To Step Away From Basketball

True story.

This year, for the first time since I was eligible back in elementary school, I won’t be playing organized basketball. And this isn’t because of some eligibility requirement or a gruesome injury.

Academically, I’m cruising. Physically, even with my asthma, I’m in one of the best conditions I’ve ever been in. Mentally, I’m tight. Shoot, I’m even growing spiritually.

I’m not ending my basketball career a month before the start of my final collegiate season because of a shortcoming in any of these areas. There’s no reason I can’t continue my college basketball career. But I’m choosing not to.

The opportunity cost is simply too high.

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What If You Ran Towards Your Struggles?

I love proving people wrong. I love beating the odds and pushing past perceived limitations. Heck, I simply love winning. But more than that, I love overcoming. I’m sure you and most everyone else does too…or at least the concept of it.

Yet, quite frankly, most people don’t win. They don’t overcome. At least not to the degree that they want to. And from what I’ve seen, the reason for this is quite simple: people don’t run towards struggle. Instead, it seems like the majority of people procrastinate, if not altogether try to avoid things that would lead to a struggle in any shape or form.

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I’m Loading…

I’m loading. Have been for a while. In fact, I’ve been processing since this last spring semester, working my behind off in the background so that the image that eventually appears is as clear, crisp, and sharp as can be. Without getting into specifics, I’ve been learning a lot throughout it all; enough to know that it’s time for me to hit the refresh button.

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Random Things I’m Thankful For

[Thankful for the above: my mom and brother came out to visit me in NYC last week]

This Thanksgiving, I’m truly thankful. I’m thankful for those of you who read these blog posts, consistently or not. I’m thankful that some of my posts (especially from The Serious) have benefited these same readers. Aside from this website, I’m thankful for my family (immediate and extended), friends (and acquaintances), and the support that they give me. I’m also grateful for a great many more things this serious in nature…and for a lot of things that aren’t so serious.

So without further ado, here’s a  small sampling of the random things I’m thankful for:

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Do Today For Tomorrow

We all have dreams. Short-term or long-term, big or small, it doesn’t matter; we all have something that we either want to achieve or attain in our lifetimes. But it’s also common knowledge that many people never realize these dreams, and that’s because they don’t do today for tomorrow.

What do I mean? Simple. I mean that too many people don’t

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Purposeful Steps

Steps. No journey can start without one, and milestones are only accomplished through them. Just as you must leap before you soar, you must take steps to reach your goals. These steps can’t just be regular old steps though. They must be purposeful.

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Week 12 – Pick and Choose

[The theme song for this blog post is “The Choice Is Yours” by Black Sheep. Yeah, this blog post has a theme song. I’m changing it up. The revolution will be televised.]

Over the last month and a half, things have gotten a bit hectic. Between midterms, basketball, creative writing, my business, this website, and a plethora of other things, I simply haven’t been able to do everything which as much vigor as I would prefer. I’ve had to pick and choose what activities I give precedence to, what I let my thoughts dwell on, and when and how long I fulfill other personal and external commitments. This is an important thing to master, because it’s applicable to every walk of life; regardless of age and background.

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